
Three of the guys from Te Whangai Trust laying down recycled woollen carpet after clearing the weeds.Te Whangai Trust is a "sustainable ecological, social and educational enterprise that supports, trains and advocates for people who find it challenging to enter the labour market".

Owners' Intent To have a balanced approach.

Goal Collaborate with Nature, contractors, suppliers and the community.

The TetraMapped process to achieve the goal

Earth Keep the size of the building and driveway conservative but scalable for future use. Restorative landscaping with native plants.

Air Equitable payment for services and sharing the risk of unforseen expenses.

Water Regularly communicate with project team, suppliers, neighbours.

Fire Engagement with mana whenua and local environmental groups.

Equality has become synonymous with “levelling the playing field.” So let’s make equity synonymous with “more for those who need it”.
Blair Mann, The Education Trust

Start: PLACE Petal