This is our end-of-series Tanglewood Blog...thus info dense if you choose to click.
Earth We originally set our sights for Tanglewood too low, too ego-centric. The LBC forced us to be more eco-centric and consider a much loftier goal in this design science decade where, as Buckminster Fuller says: The future is a choice between Utopia and Oblivion. See the Tanglewood Case Study (technical) or Insights in Hindsight (the story PDF)
Water “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.” ― Albert Einstein There's no more time to drag deniers into the future...align with those who are regenerating NOW.
Fire The pandemic, socio, political, economic emergencies stem from our disregard for Nature. The last 3 months have focused on the future, prototyping TetraMeme [now renamed Emérgéntly], an ecological framework to visualise systems. It is based on the metaphors of Nature and the tetrahedron unfolding and folding (of course). Exciting up-date in our next blog!
Update July 2022: Zero Emissions, Net >150% Energy Handprint
Comparing the power generated, net contributed to the grid over the lifetime of our system, Tanglewood is NET >150% energy!
Instead of consuming energy from the national grid, Tanglewood has contributed substantially which means more water left in the hydroelectric dams and less coal burned at peak times, TO THE BENEFIT OF EVERYONE... and the climate. MORE on handprinting...