Tanglewood photo up-date at https://youtu.be/g5XWLjHEYyc
A HUGE THANKS!!! to the Project Team for your input and support. The best part for us is seeing how inter-dependence creates synergy!
Suppliers recommended for service and care. Bottom-line: nice people - joy to work with.
Te Whangai Trust www.tewhangai.org (horticulture; gardening; land clearing)
Clearsite www.clearsite.co.nz (deconstruction and salvage capture)
Nicky Crocker http://www.clearenergyhomes.com/ (geomancer)
Recycled Products: Tim and Lee Ann (asbestos removers via clearsite)
Bull Electrical www.bullelectrical.co.nz (Tony, Tain, and Brad will be joining the project as our electricians. Excellent service and keen to learn more about LBC et al.)
Carpetland, Howick (donated all that carpet!) www.carpetland.co.nz
(Ephemeralization = Bucky's word for doing more with less)